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verb | verb | to phrases
грызть vstresses
gen. begnaw; corrode; craunch; eat in; eat into; eat through; gnaw; mump; sting; worm; nibble (at); crunch; scrunch; champ (удила); chump (леденцы); tooth; knap (устар.); chew on (Sometimes mice eat the grains and chew on clothing. aspss); bite; crack; teeth (Виктория Гребеневич); munch (хрустя; to chew with a grinding, crunching sound, and with the mouth closed – often used with on: Jim was munching on a biscotti.); grind
Gruzovik gnaw
amer., Makarov. chump (леденцы и т.п.)
fig. prey on; prey upon; nag (at)
Gruzovik, fig. nag at (impf of разгрызть); devour (impf of разгрызть); torment (impf of разгрызть); torture (impf of разгрызть); consume (impf of разгрызть)
inf. nag; badger; torment; beset; eat
Makarov. gnaw at; nibble at something (что-либо)
obs. arrode; knab; knabble; royne; scranch; knap; knapple
slang nosh
грызться v
gen. squabble; argy-bargy; have a dust-up with (с кем-либо); cut one another's throat; argy bargy; bitch about (КГА); cut one another's throats; fight (of animals)
Gruzovik fight of animals
Игорь Миг pick a quarrel with; exchange abuse; feud with each other
fig. scratch at each other (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. quarrel; bickering
inf. be at each other (They've been at each other the whole time wandervoegel); bicker
грызло v
gen. bit (of bridle)
Makarov. bridle bit; port-mouth bit
: 92 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Bookish / literary1
Obsolete / dated1