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adjective | adverb | to phrases
грустно adv.stresses
gen. it's sad; mirthlessly (Азери); it is sad (обыкн. в безличных предложениях); sad (Taras); mournfully (Vadim Rouminsky)
грустный adj.
gen. sad; sorrowful; dreary; drear; dumpish; elegiac; lamentable; sorry; wailful; ruthful; yearnful; lachrymose; mirthless; plaintive; wistful; sad-faced; badly; down; mournful; disappointing; melancholic; dejected (Syn: blue, sad, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, lugubrious, melancholy. Ant: blithe, cheerful, exhilarated, exuberant, glad, joyous, jubilant, lively, excited ssn); Eeyorish (as Eeyore, donkey character in Winnie the Pooh stories Clepa); bitter (Taras); down hearted (Taras); grievous; Under a black cloud (Darkesenin); rueful; melancholy; desolate (desolate thoughts and memories VLZ_58); blue; blue (отсюда – название жанра "блюз"); lamenting; clouded; dampy; dark; doleful; dolesome; dolorific; dull; dusky; moody; mopish; pensive; somber; sombre; woeful; down in the dumps; woesome
Gruzovik sad-making
amer. torchy (о песне)
busin. bleak
dial. earnful
fig. minor
fr. triste (vitalinew)
Gruzovik, inf. distressing; grievous
idiom. all-a-mort (Interex)
inf. down in the dumps (informal: feeling very sad: I guess I'm just down in the dumps.)
ital., mus. mesto
obs. heavisome; duskish; griefful; sportless; woful; dolesomely
poetic dolorous
psychol. unhappy
Scotl. unheartsome
slang low; rhino; down in the dumps (adv.phr); in a blue funk (Interex); sadful (I'm very sadful today Taras)
vulg. fucked and far from home; face like
грустно adv.
gen. dejectedly; dolesome; pensively; ruefully; woefully; sorrowfully (Азери); dolefully; distressingly; sadly; plaintively; moodily; unhappily (rewision)
Gruzovik it's sad (as pred)
obs. wofully; dolesomely; mourningly; dolorously; dumpishly; melancholily
poetic lamentably
: 146 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Computing slang1
Figure of speech2
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated2
Quotes and aphorisms3