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гонять vstresses
гнать; перегонять
gen. drive (cattle); chase (an animal); drive out; career about (по городу); ping pong; blow (snow, leaves, etc); drive fast; drive hard; drive on; hunt; hurry; race (an engine); ride hard; turn out; urge on; bay (зайца); knock (мяч); speed around (aleko.2006)
Gruzovik drive (impf indet of гнать); drive away (impf indet of гнать); kick out; pursue; run after; throw out
dial. raft (timber)
forestr. chase; distil
Gruzovik, auto. race an engine
Gruzovik, fig. persecute; torment; be after
Gruzovik, inf. go over and over something learned, etc; grill on something learned, etc; make run errands; make run over something learned, etc; send; send on errands
inf. drive (a car. truck, etc.); distill; ping-pong; give; hand over; race; tear along; run something up (в знач. "перевозить контрабандой": He's got a boat and he's doing OK. He runs stuff up across the border. • He tells me that this is the bar where Bill usually hangs out but he'll be away for a coupla days seeing as he is doing a run across the border in his boat. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. fly (голубей); career about (по городу и т. п.); knock about (мяч); knock around (мяч)
tech. run up (двигатель); rev up (двигатель)
гоняться v
gen. hunt after; shag (за мячом); hunt (за чем-либо тж. hunt down); blow (snow, leaves, etc); distil; drive away; drive fast; drive hard; drive on; hurry; kick out; race (an engine); ride hard; strive (for, after); throw out; torment; turn out; urge on; chase (при игре); course (друг за другом); be after; go after (AlexandraM); scamper (george serebryakov); drive; pursue
contempt. whore
dial. raft (timber)
fig. haunt; keep up with; persecute
Gruzovik, inf. run after (impf indet of гнаться); court (impf indet of гнаться)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. pursue (impf indet of гнаться)
inf. go over and over; give; grill (on); hand over; make run errands; make run over; send; tear along
Makarov. chase; chase down (за кем-либо); chase up (за кем-либо); hunt down (за чем-либо)
sport. shag (за мячом и т.п.)
yacht. race
after гоняться v
rude, contempt. whore
 Russian thesaurus
гонять v
gen. гнать 1
: 126 phrases in 22 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Humorous / Jocular1
Ice hockey1
Information technology1
Obsolete / dated1
Oil and gas1
Poultry farming1
Timber floating2