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gen. bow the back; break one’s back (i.e. work hard); kowtow (with перед, to); crouch one's back (перёд кем-либо); crouch back (перед кем-либо); to how one's back (перед кем-либо); bow back; break one's back; bust one's hump (to work hard: "I bust my hump all day to please my bosses" Рина Грант); slog away (VLZ_58); stoop (A.Rezvov)
amer. work one's ass off (тяжело работать: That's what I worked my ass off for Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. toil
idiom. keep one's nose to the grindstone (VLZ_58); do back-breaking labor (VLZ_58); keep shoulder to the wheel (VLZ_58)
inf. bust a gut (VLZ_58); graft (Br. Andrey Truhachev); slave away (Andrey Truhachev); sweat away (Andrey Truhachev); bust nuts (VLZ_58); moil (Andrey Truhachev); toil and moil (Andrey Truhachev); sweat blood (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. curve the back
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