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в последний раз
 в последний раз
gen. last; last; for the last time; for a last time; for a final time; one last time
formal on the last occasion
shipb. ultimo
| я
chinese.lang. xia
| его
gen. his
| видел
gen. keep company
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg

to phrases
в последний разstresses
gen. last (when did you see him last? – когда вы его видели в последний раз?); last (Can you describe to us the location where you last saw the truck?); for the last time; for a last time (с неопред. артиклем, если имеется в виду не в последний раз в жизни andrius68); for a final time (Renowned quartet visits theatre for a final time CafeNoir); one last time ("Within weeks, she was bombarding me with phone calls, begging me to meet her. I agreed only once. We lay on Hampstead Heath together, and I fondled her bosoms one last time." – Michael Winner ART Vancouver); lastly
formal on the last occasion (On the last occasion he had mentioned that he had no plans to renew his lease. ART Vancouver)
shipb. ultimo
torped. finally
в последний раз
: 55 phrases in 10 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms1
Uncommon / rare1