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в некотором смыслеstresses
gen. in a manner; up to a point (Anglophile); in a manner of speaking (M_P); in one sense (Alex Lilo); somewhat of a (SirReal); understood a certain way (Джозеф); in a certain sense; of sorts (Yet once, he, too, had had a family, of sorts, he was close to.); in a peculiar way (наречное выражение Abysslooker)
Игорь Миг to a degree
amer. in some way (Val_Ships)
Makarov. in a certain sense; in manner
math. in a sense; in some sense; in that sense; in a way; in a sense (Thus the gap between the general theory and this example is, in some sense, diminished.)
mech. in a sense; some degree; to some extent; to a certain extent; in a sence; to some degree
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: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Cliche / convention1