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gen. rage out of control (Coronavirus rages out of control as Washington struggles to catch up cnn.com Mr. Wolf); spiral out of control (Anglophile); spin out of control (Anglophile); get out of hand (He warns that technology is getting out of hand.)
Игорь Миг go rogue; escalate out of control; get out of whack
avia. run away (об управляемости воздушного судна)
dril. run away
idiom. run rampant (Tarija)
Makarov. go out of control; break loose; go out of hand; run wild; run away (о ядерном реакторе)
Makarov., inf. boil over
nano be out of control; run out of control
polit. get beyond control (ssn); get out of control (ssn)
slang run wild (Our new boss lets everyone runs wild. == Наш новый босс совсем уж всех распустил.)
yacht. get out of hand
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vulg. lose it
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formal leave someone's control (igisheva)
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: 19 phrases in 6 subjects
Mass media7