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gen. tear; whip away; flick out; tear out; whip out; pluck
Makarov. snatch away; snatch out
| и
gen. and
| описать
inf. wet pants
| любой предмет
 любой предмет
gen. diptych
| достойный внимания
 достойный внимания
gen. noteworthy

verb | verb | to phrases
выхватить vstresses
выхватить из рук
gen. tear; whip away (оружие); flick out; tear out; whip out (оружие); pluck (Aly19); snatch out (из рук и т.п.); whip out; flick; wrest (from someone: The kidnappers wrested the baby from his mother and ran away with him. 4uzhoj); jack out (оружие); snatch (сумку Andrey Truhachev); take out (He took out his gun and tried to fire at them, but they shot him); pull out; wrestle away (у кого-либо из рук: Wally wrestled the gun away from Max and threw it out the window. I could not wrestle my wallet from the thief. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik cut out (pf of выхватывать); draw (pf of выхватывать); snatch away from (pf of выхватывать); pick out at random (pf of выхватывать); take out at random (pf of выхватывать)
dial. whop
Gruzovik, inf. destroy (pf of выхватывать)
inf., amer. yank out (оружие: He yanked the gun out of his waistband. Val_Ships)
Makarov. snatch away; snatch out; snatch up; whip up (что-либо)
slang pull; cop it (Баян)
выхватиться v
gen. cut out; draw; pick out; pull out; snatch away from; snatch out; tear out; whip out
inf. destroy
выхваченный prtc.
Gruzovik snatched out; snatched away from
: 63 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Criminal jargon1