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gen. Booted (luiza2017)
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gen. pack off; send flying; send someone packing; see off the premises; see somebody off the premises; send to the right-about; send rightabouts; bundle off (Anglophile); send somebody about his business (Anglophile); right-about; show the door; get out the door (источник – cyberleninka.ru dimock); send someone packing (кого-либо В.И.Макаров); send out of the room (Andrey Truhachev); see off (Olga Okuneva); send on one's way (Taras); send somebody packing (кого-либо); show to the door (кого-л.); turn out of doors (кого-л.); get gone; see away; see off; see out; see smb. off the premises (кого́-л.)
Игорь Миг boot out; kick off
Gruzovik, inf. see off (pf of выпроваживать); show the way (pf of выпроваживать); accompany (pf of выпроваживать); show the door to (pf of выпроваживать)
inf. show the door (to)
Makarov. send to the rightabouts; see someone off the premises (кого-либо); see one off the premises (кого-либо); send someone about his business (кого-либо); send to the rightabouts
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects