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verb | verb | to phrases
выпроваживать vstresses
gen. see out; turn out; pack off; send flying; send someone packing; send somebody about his business (кого-либо); see off the premises; send to the right-about; march out (кого-либо); see off the place (кого-либо); huddle (out of); see off; send to graze; bundle off (Anglophile); usher out (кого-либо из помещения Rust71); bundle; shove out (mosq); show the way; march; send someone packing (кого-либо В.И.Макаров); dismiss (alikssepia); accompany; send out of the room (Andrey Truhachev); shoo (Taras); send somebody packing (кого-либо); convey away; march smb. to the door (кого́-л.)
Gruzovik, inf. show the door to (impf of выпроводить)
inf. send on one’s way; send packing
Makarov. bundle away; bundle in; bundle out; huddle out of; march off; march out; march to; see someone off the premises (кого-либо); send someone about his business (кого-либо)
выпроваживаться v
Gruzovik, inf. be shown the door; be shown the way; be sent packing; be accompanied; be seen off; be packed off
inf. see off; show the door (to); show the way; accompany
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Show business1