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выполнить своё обязательство
 выполнить свои обязательства
gen. make good on its commitments; deliver on the promises
formal carry out obligations; fulfil obligations
idiom. deliver the goods
Makarov. honour commitments
 выполнить своё обязательство
gen. deliver on pledge
dipl. keep pledge; pledge; carry out pledge
| по
gen. unto
| предоставлению
gen. assignment
| Рекламных материалов
 рекламные материалы
econ. promotional materials
| в срок, указанный в
 в сроки, указанные в
gen. within the time periods specified in
| настоящем
gen. nowadays
| пункте
gen. wisp

to phrases
выполнить свои обязательстваstresses
gen. honour one's commitments
Игорь Миг make good on its commitments; deliver on the promises
formal carry out one's obligations (carry out one's obligations under this Agreement ART Vancouver); fulfil one's obligations (The federal government must fulfil its skilled immigrant obligations. We desperately need people to come and live here who have skills of certain types. What we don't need is a lot of millionaires to move here to support local Ferrari and Maserati dealerships – which we now have. ART Vancouver)
idiom. deliver the goods (True, the tougher portion of the audience had been sedulously stood beers over a period of days and in return had entered into a gentleman's agreement to be indulgent, but nevertheless it was unquestionably up to Esmond Haddock to deliver the goods. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
Makarov. honour one's commitments
выполнить своё обязательство
gen. deliver on pledge
dipl. keep one's pledge; pledge; carry out pledge
Makarov. meet one's obligation
выполнить своё обязательство: 20 phrases in 6 subjects