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вылететь с работыstresses
gen. get the bounce; get the bullet
Игорь Миг get canned; get a pink slip; be out of a job (‘Вылететь с работы' is what happens when you goof up: Естественно, он не пересмотрел и вылетел с работы – Naturally, he didn't double check and is out of a job. // MBerdy.2020 )
inf. get the kiss-off (Anglophile); be out on your ear (Clepa)
Makarov. get the boot; get the bounce; get the shoot; got the knock
nonstand. be booted (igisheva); be fired (igisheva)
"вылететь" с работы
dial. get the bag (Bobrovska)
вылететь с работы
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