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gen. separate out; single out; highlight
context. identify
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
выделить vstresses
выделить в; выделить из; выделять
gen. separate out (tfennell); single out (назвать: However, it is possible to single out a few areas where the DCFR certainly deviates from English contract law – The European Union Committee of the House of Lords. Tamerlane); highlight (выделить цветом или подсветить; в перен. значении – подчеркнуть (важность чего-либо и проч.) LadyCunegonde); give prominence (to); set apart (The part of Exeter in which most of the Leavitts lived was set apart into a separate parish in 1742. It was called Brentwood – by Jeanie Roberts Tamerlane); come forth; abstract; find (время); intercept (отрезок линии); recover; evolve; accentuate; appropriate; provide (об охране и т.п.); mark; allot; give; discriminate; emit; void; detach; stand out; exude; fetch out; mark out; set aside (средства и т. п.: set aside a designated workspace); singularize (из общей массы); allocate; apportion; in writing or printing set off (with commas, in italics, etc.); excrete; earmark (средства для конкретной цели; с оттенком значения "специально зарезервировать": We have earmarked a quarter of the money for the children's hospital – Мы выделили четвёртую часть денег на детскую больницу.); give prominence (to); make stand out; set off; devote; dedicate (HoldMyDrink); point out (что-л.); satisfy; separate; draft; exhale; segregate
Gruzovik precipitate; allocate; assign (pf of выделять); apportion; pick out (pf of выделять); choose (pf of выделять); make available (pf of выделять); deposit (pf of выделять)
astronaut. single out
busin. point
chem. purify (igisheva); liberate; educe
comp., MS select (To mark text, cells, and similar items that will be subject to a user action, such as copying text); subselect (To select individual shapes within a group); highlight (To emphasize displayed characters, as by displaying them in reverse video (light on dark rather than dark on light, and vice versa) or against a colored background)
context. identify (назвать, рассмотреть: ...a certain structure of light which can be identified, described both by a field characteristics and by the characteristics of a substance. – ...определённую структуру света, которую можно выделить, описать характеристиками поля и характеристиками вещества. anyname1); block off (напр., время: In-person meetings usually require every participant to block off a certain amount of time (say, an hour) for a meeting. Elena_MKK); schedule for (Your presentation has been scheduled for 10 minutes – Hа выступление вам выделено 10 минут 4uzhoj)
cosmet. enhance (Sergei Aprelikov)
econ. carve out as (в некотором качестве из чего-то большего A.Rezvov); ringfence (обособить Alexander Demidov)
el. extract
fig. lay emphasis; place emphasis; lay the emphasis; key in on (VLZ_58); highlight (подчеркнуть); emphasize
genet. recover (изолят, штамм typist); isolate (штамм typist); obtain (изолят, штамм typist)
geol. substract
Makarov. pinpoint; mete out; point at; pick out
math. select; yield; escape; distinguish; divide into parts; give off; select and exclude
mil. detail; find; detach (об отряде)
physiol. secrete; discharge; excrete (об отработанном веществе)
pulp.n.paper isolate
tech. give up
выделиться v
gen. segregate; tell; show up (на фоне); secede; stand out; ooze; exude; take one’s inheritance and separate from the family
Gruzovik escape (pf of выделяться); exude; stand out for; be distinguished by (pf of выделяться); be notable for (pf of выделяться); emanate (pf of выделяться); separate out (pf of выделяться); ooze out (pf of выделяться); receive one's share of a legacy (pf of выделяться)
Makarov. be distinguished by/; make a mark (by); ooze out (о жидкости); take one's share of legacy (о наследстве); be notable for; stand out (for); distinguish oneself by (чем-либо)
old.fash., brit. cut a dash (своим видом; make a stylish impression)
slang come through
oneself with sth выделиться v
gen. differentiate (bellb1rd)
выделимый prtc.
IT separable
 Russian thesaurus
выделит. abbr.
abbr. выделительный
выделить в
: 34 phrases in 11 subjects