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verb | verb | to phrases
выговориться vstresses
gen. get out of system (Anglophile); get something off one's chest (She didn't want my sympathy, she just needed to get it off her chest – Ей не нужно было мое сочувствие, ей просто нужно было выговориться Рина Грант); get it off one's chest (I explained it to him, took ten minutes to get it off my chest Lily Snape); unburden oneself (lexicographer); have one's say (Liv Bliss); vent (глагол, конечно: Anonymous venting can help release heavy, pent up emotions. psychcentral.com Liv Bliss)
Gruzovik express one's feelings (pf of выговариваться); say one's say (pf of выговариваться)
fig. offload (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. speak out (pf of выговариваться)
idiom. get something off one's chest (Elena_MKK); speak one's mind (VLZ_58); get things off one's chest (Elena_MKK)
inf. shoot one's wad (Levairia); speak one’s mind; sound off
Makarov. get a load off one's mind; talk away
slang get a load off one's mind (Interex)
uncom. unbosom (Victor Parno)
выговорить v
gen. pop out (слово); enunciate; articulate; gain; elicit; secure (for oneself); berate; utter; rebuke; get tongue around (трудное слово; e.g. I can't get my tongue around the names of these Welsh towns Anglophile); pronounce; stipulate
Gruzovik express (pf of выговаривать); speak out (pf of выговаривать); articulate; state (pf of выговаривать)
Gruzovik, law reserve (pf of выговаривать)
inf. win; scold; reprimand; reprove
jarg. get one's tongue round (Ant493)
выговоренный prtc.
Makarov. pronounced
: 18 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling2