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gen. lay out; lay aside; put out of action; render inoperable (Supernova); knock out of service (MichaelBurov); break; sabotage (Every single plane had been sabotaged Taras); take out (Roberto fumbled a grenade off his belt. At least I can take out the ship. Побеdа); scotch; ungear; wreck (танк); derange (машину и т. п.); scupper; incapacitate
Игорь Миг foul up; take out
automat. break down
econ. phase out
Gruzovik, mil. take out of action; bring out of action
inf. gum up the works (VLZ_58)
law wreck (танк и т. п.)
Makarov. indispose; blow out (технику); lay aside (обыкн. pass)
mil. outcommission; force out of action; dud; negate (Киселев); blackout (радиоизлучающие установки); make ineffective (напр., живую силу, технику); render unusable (технику); wreck (материальную часть); bring out of operation; knock out of action; put out of commission; put out of business; put hors de combat (Andrey Truhachev); render hors de combat (Andrey Truhachev); render ineffective (Denis_Sakhno); disable
mil., arm.veh. deadline
mil., inf. salavate
mil., WMD decommission
oil bring down
proverb disable (кого; someone); put out of action (что)
qual.cont. put out of operation
sport. knock out of the reckoning (george serebryakov); put on the sidelines (george serebryakov)
tech. render inoperative (key2russia); put out of order; damage; cripple
telecom. knock out
torped. force out of action (подбивать, повреждать); put out of action (подбивать, повреждать); take out of action (подбивать, повреждать); put out of commission (выводить из состава действующего флота); outcommission (выводить из состава действующего флота)
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mil. incapacitate
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el. fry (перегревом или избыточным электрическим током)
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: 26 phrases in 12 subjects
Information security and data protection1
Mass media1