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gen. beat; print; beat out
mil. kick out
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gen. thought
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gen. amongst
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gen. chief

verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. beat out (металл); gouge out; cudgel out; hammer out (metals); hammer up; smite out; throw off; knock out; drive out; dislodge (an enemy); beat (a carpet); break; smash; coin; break out; forth; fatigued; chunk; incuse; strike (a medal); punch out (гвоздь и т. п.); blow out (что-либоибо/кого-либо Yuriy83); yank out; flog out (лень и т. п.); break in (дверь); smash in (напр., зубы Anglophile); kick out (a ball); print (fabrics); hollow out; stamp; smash out (стёкла и т.п. ART Vancouver); throw out (позвонок, сустав и т.п. Vadim Rouminsky); give a beatdown (Couch cushions, throw pillows, drapes and rugs collect dust over time. On a sunny day at least once a year, take them outside and give them a good beatdown to remove allergens.)
Gruzovik beat clean (pf of выбивать); print fabrics (pf of выбивать); beat down crops, grass, etc (pf of выбивать); destroy crops, grass, etc (pf of выбивать); emboss (pf of выбивать); hammer out; knock out; drum (pf of выбивать); punch (pf of выбивать)
auto. tap out (чеку, шпильку)
fig. wrestle away (to obtain or extract something, such as information, from someone or something, especially after much difficulty or persistence: We were finally able to wrestle some answers from the spy we were interrogating. 4uzhoj); beat (something out of someone) Например, признание из кого-либо: Later, he would claim they beat the confession out of him, and that he was innocent. 4uzhoj); force (something out of someone) Например, признание из кого-либо: It has been a problem for many years that law enforcers have physically harassed people to force testimony out of them. 4uzhoj)
hockey. poke away (Capitals defenseman Dmitry Orlov poked the puck away from Stars forward Remi Elie in the first period with Washington trailing 1-0. VLZ_58)
invect. scoop out (scoop all the crap out – выбить дерьмо, выбить дурь Bedbm04ka)
Makarov. smash down; knock out (трубку)
mil. kick out; drive out (противника с занимаемой территории: Government forces have driven the rebels out of the eastern district.); dislodge (противника с занимаемых позиций: A renewed rebel offensive has dislodged them from most of the airport. • General Dampierre attempted to dislodge the enemy from several villages of which they were in posession.); push out (противника с занимаемой территории; также force out: The report claims small teams of reconnaissance and spetsnaz units crossed the border earlier, in mid-July after Ukrainian government forces had won a series of battles and had pushed pro-Moscow separatists out of territory they had previously occupied. 4uzhoj); force out (противника с позиций: Overall, Tikrit has been much better preserved than the Kurdish town of Kobani, where militias backed by US air strikes forced Isis out but at the cost of the near total destruction of their town. 4uzhoj)
sport. dismiss (победить SirReal)
tech. indent (вмятину, выемку и т. п. I. Havkin)
Игорь Миг, mil., context. retake (противника с захваченной им территории // В июле 1920 г. Красная Армия выбила поляков из Вильно и вернула этот город Литве.)
выбиться v
Gruzovik break loose (pf of выбиваться); break out (pf of выбиваться); break through (pf of выбиваться); come out (pf of выбиваться); get out (pf of выбиваться); work one's way out (pf of выбиваться); show (pf of выбиваться)
inf. get out; work one’s way out; come out; appear
: 396 phrases in 32 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Card games1
Cliche / convention1
Figure of speech3
Ice hockey1
Mechanic engineering1
Stock Exchange3
Vernacular language2
Wood processing1