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gen. wriggle into favour; insinuating; get foot in (к кому-либо); wriggle into favor; curry favor (to try to make someone like you or support you by doing or saying things to please them КГА)
Игорь Миг schmooze; sweet talk
inf. get a leg in; get leg in; worm one's way into someone's confidence (AlexandraM)
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gen. insinuate oneself into the good graces of; ingratiate oneself into favour; insinuate oneself into confidence; ingratiate (darrrione); screw into favour
втереться кому-либо в доверие
gen. get into confidence; insinuate oneself into favor
Makarov. wind into favour; wind way into affections; wind oneself into favour
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gen. worm into interior; creep into interior; dance oneself into favour; work oneself into someone's favour
smb. втереться к кому-либо в доверие
amer., inf. get next to
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: 19 phrases in 4 subjects
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