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gen. on an acting basis; transiently; transitorily
abbr. a.i.
idiom. for the nonce
law at this stage
math. temporally
obs. provisorily
patents. provisionally
| допустимая концентрация
 допустимая концентрация
med. permissible vitro
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adjective | adverb | to phrases
временный adj.stresses
gen. temporary; transient (о жильце в гостинице); interim (of an agreement); temporal; short-term; auxiliary; ambulatory; dummy; makeshift; provisory; transitory; band-aid (о средствах, решениях); fly-by-night; improvised; make-do; patch-up; unpermanent; acting; adjunct; impermanent; stopgap; false; up-n-coming (Lascutik); placeholder (It is a placeholder budget introduced by the former finance minister in February until the elections later this year. ART Vancouver); band aid; make do; short life; extemporaneous; extemporary; jury-rigged (Taras); pop-up (a pop-up store selling Halloween costumes GeorgeK); tentative; fill-in (о работнике, работе); fill in; patch up; that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090); provisional; interim status; pop-up (магазин или ресторан, который будет работать в определенном месте временно: The airline opened a pop-up shop to promote its winter sale vogeler); pro tempore
Игорь Миг fleeting
abbr. a.i. (Anglophile)
amer., inf. extra
automat. rough-and-ready; scratch (напр., о данных)
avia. transity
biol. caducous; astatic (напр., о водоёме)
busin. casual; seasonal; short-gap
construct. provisional (напр., о правилах, постановлениях); intermittent; tack; jury
dentist. primary (MichaelBurov)
dipl. caretaker chancellor (kutsch)
dril. live (о нагрузке)
el. kludgy; klugy; quick-fix (о решении проблемы); scratch
fin. shipping season
insur. Prov
IT scratch (напр. о диске)
lat. ad int. (ad interim)
law extraordinary (о работнике); interlocutory; transitional
law, lat. ad interim
Makarov. astatic (напр., о водоёме); interim (о дивидендах); interjacent; jackleg; provisional (о мероприятии); serve ad interim; short-life (о жилище, помещении и т.п.); tactical; temporary (об ограниченном периоде времени); tentative (e. g., of specifications; предварительный); tentative (о стандарте, нормах и т.п.)
mar.law interim
med. deciduous; terminable; non-indwelling; provisional (напр., о зубной боли); tentative (о стандарте или нормах); transient
met. service
meteorol. occasional
mil. ad hoc; extemporized
mil., tech. hasty (о сооружении); pilot
mil., WMD temporary (TEMP)
nautic., Makarov. jury (о руле, мачте)
oil temp; jury (используемый в аварийной ситуации)
patents. provisional; preliminary; for the time being; temporary; provisionally
perf. accidental
polit. stop-gap (grafleonov); caretaker (о правительстве kutsch)
qual.cont. extempore; tentative (о стандарте или норме)
R&D. untenured (относится к профессорско-преподавательскому составу, не имеющему право на занятие должности пожизненно Beforeyouaccuseme)
railw. conciliation; emergency
seism. live
slang haywire; side-bar; Sunday; ungepotched; ungepotchket; ungepotch
временно adv.
gen. for the present; haywired; ad interim; pro tempore
astronaut. temp
busin. for the time being
lat. pro tem (Anglophile)
law de bene esse; locum (исполнять обязанности врача, священника и т.п.)
Makarov. for a time; ad int. (ad interim)
med. in transient (Александр Стерляжников)
metrol. on a provisional base
mil. on a provisional basis
nautic. temporary
patents. provisional; preliminary; temporarily
slang once over lightly
временной adj.
gen. temporal; chrono; tensed
aerohydr. time-dependent
Gruzovik, gram. tense
Makarov. temporary
math. interim; pertaining to time; provisional
microel. timing
softw. timed (режим – goo.gl Artjaazz)
telecom. time-division (oleg.vigodsky)
временные adj.
gen. that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090)
временная adj.
gen. that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090)
временное adj.
gen. that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090)
временно adv.
gen. on an acting basis (Tetyana92); transiently; transitorily
abbr. a.i. (Anglophile)
idiom. for the nonce (В.И.Макаров)
law at this stage (I propose to refuse the application at this stage sankozh)
math. temporally
obs. provisorily
patents. provisionally
временно допустимая концентрация
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Sakhalin R1
Weapons of mass destruction1