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gen. temporary; transient; interim; temporal; short-term; auxiliary
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временный adj.stresses
gen. temporary; transient (о жильце в гостинице); interim (of an agreement); temporal; short-term; auxiliary; ambulatory; dummy; makeshift; provisory; transitory; band-aid (о средствах, решениях); fly-by-night; improvised; make-do; patch-up; unpermanent; acting; adjunct; impermanent; stopgap; false; up-n-coming (Lascutik); placeholder (It is a placeholder budget introduced by the former finance minister in February until the elections later this year. ART Vancouver); band aid; make do; short life; extemporaneous; extemporary; jury-rigged (Taras); pop-up (a pop-up store selling Halloween costumes GeorgeK); tentative; fill-in (о работнике, работе); fill in; patch up; that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090); provisional; interim status; pop-up (магазин или ресторан, который будет работать в определенном месте временно: The airline opened a pop-up shop to promote its winter sale vogeler); pro tempore
Игорь Миг fleeting
abbr. a.i. (Anglophile)
amer., inf. extra
automat. rough-and-ready; scratch (напр., о данных)
avia. transity
biol. caducous; astatic (напр., о водоёме)
busin. casual; seasonal; short-gap
construct. provisional (напр., о правилах, постановлениях); intermittent; tack; jury
dentist. primary (MichaelBurov)
dipl. caretaker chancellor (kutsch)
dril. live (о нагрузке)
el. kludgy; klugy; quick-fix (о решении проблемы); scratch
fin. shipping season
insur. Prov
IT scratch (напр. о диске)
lat. ad int. (ad interim)
law extraordinary (о работнике); interlocutory; transitional
law, lat. ad interim
Makarov. astatic (напр., о водоёме); interim (о дивидендах); interjacent; jackleg; provisional (о мероприятии); serve ad interim; short-life (о жилище, помещении и т.п.); tactical; temporary (об ограниченном периоде времени); tentative (e. g., of specifications; предварительный); tentative (о стандарте, нормах и т.п.)
mar.law interim
med. deciduous; terminable; non-indwelling; provisional (напр., о зубной боли); tentative (о стандарте или нормах); transient
met. service
meteorol. occasional
mil. ad hoc; extemporized
mil., tech. hasty (о сооружении); pilot
mil., WMD temporary (TEMP)
nautic., Makarov. jury (о руле, мачте)
oil temp; jury (используемый в аварийной ситуации)
patents. provisional; preliminary; for the time being; temporary; provisionally
perf. accidental
polit. stop-gap (grafleonov); caretaker (о правительстве kutsch)
qual.cont. extempore; tentative (о стандарте или норме)
R&D. untenured (относится к профессорско-преподавательскому составу, не имеющему право на занятие должности пожизненно Beforeyouaccuseme)
railw. conciliation; emergency
seism. live
slang haywire; side-bar; Sunday; ungepotched; ungepotchket; ungepotch
временно adv.
gen. for the present; haywired; ad interim; pro tempore
astronaut. temp
busin. for the time being
lat. pro tem (Anglophile)
law de bene esse; locum (исполнять обязанности врача, священника и т.п.)
Makarov. for a time; ad int. (ad interim)
med. in transient (Александр Стерляжников)
metrol. on a provisional base
mil. on a provisional basis
nautic. temporary
patents. provisional; preliminary; temporarily
slang once over lightly
временной adj.
gen. temporal; chrono; tensed
aerohydr. time-dependent
Gruzovik, gram. tense
Makarov. temporary
math. interim; pertaining to time; provisional
microel. timing
softw. timed (режим – goo.gl Artjaazz)
telecom. time-division (oleg.vigodsky)
временные adj.
gen. that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090)
временная adj.
gen. that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090)
временное adj.
gen. that will later be removed (doc090); that will be removed (doc090)
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects