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verb | verb | to phrases
восхищать vstresses
gen. delight; transport; ravish; admire; sirenize; bewitch; entrance; enchant; marvel; fill with enthusiasm (Andrey Truhachev); fascinate (SirReal); enrapture; enwrap; inwrap; rapt; translate (на небо); wrap; captivate
Gruzovik bewilder (impf of восхити́ть); fill with admiration
fig.of.sp. be the toast of (HelenKarpova)
Gruzovik, poetic carry off (impf of восхи́тить); steal (impf of восхи́тить); appropriate (impf of восхи́тить)
inf. wow (VLZ_58)
Makarov. kill; carry away; marvel at
obs. rape; enravish
poetic rapture
poetic, obs. off
slang turn on (Interex)
vernac. rap
восхищаться v
gen. admire; delight; marvel; rave (кем-либо); admire (кем-либо); be delighted at (чем-либо); be delighted with (чем-либо); be filled with admiration for (чем-либо); applaud; cry content (чем-либо); take off hat to (кем-либо); go into rhapsodies over (чем-либо); drool; ecstasize; wonder; be in to go into raptures over something (чем-либо); be enamored with (VLZ_58); be delighted with at, something (чем-либо); be filled with admiration for something (чем-либо); be in to go into raptures over something (чем-либо); marvel at (Ivanov); think highly (of – чем-либо, кем-либо: "I've always thought highly of your intelligence, Chuffy, old man – very highly." (P.G. Wodehouse) – восхищался твоим умом ART Vancouver); look up to (Johnny Bravo); bless one's self; rapt; be captivated (by); be enchanted (with); go for (sb., sth.)
Gruzovik be delighted with (impf of восхититься); be enthusiastic (impf of восхититься); be carried away by (impf of восхититься)
Игорь Миг be in awe of; be thrilled with
amer. kvell (VLZ_58)
animat. enthuse about (Please, I just want another hobby to get enthused about. South_Park)
fig. thrill (to something – чем-либо Ремедиос_П)
inf. slobber over (Andrey Truhachev); slobber (over Andrey Truhachev); go gaga over something (чем-либо: Japan goes gaga over the Boeing's new tanker jet Val_Ships); get it on (VLZ_58)
Makarov. cry content (with; чем-либо); be in raptures about something (чем-либо); drool over; go into raptures about something (чем-либо); go into raptures over something (чем-либо); marvel at; rave about (кем-либо); rave of (кем-либо); rave over (кем-либо); wonder at
math. be delighted (with)
obs. arride (krasnet)
poetic, obs. appropriate; carry away; off; steal
relig. adore
slang blow someone away; mad about; go for
восхищающийся prtc.
relig. marveling; marvelling
: 90 phrases in 8 subjects
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