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verb | verb | to phrases
возить vstresses
gen. convey; waggon; wagon; wheel; drive; transport; romp; carry; ride; busy; mess; chauffeur (кого-либо); draw; pull; take; make hauls (грузы 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik drive somewhere (См. везти); convey
agric. haul
exhib., inf. take on a travelling display (экспонаты коллекции или передвижной выставки по разным городам: Daniël Kriel, CEO of Sanlam Private Investments says that Sanlam has been planning to take its collection on a travelling display for some time. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. drag (impf indet of везти); flog (impf of отвозить); pass over (impf indet of везти); run over (impf indet of везти); beat up (impf of отвозить); drag in the mud (impf of отвозить); drag through the mud (impf of отвозить); beat (impf of отвозить); beat unmercifully (impf of отвозить)
inf. ferry (If you have to ferry your parents or grandparents regularly, it's vital to ensure that the car is suitable for them. 4uzhoj); ferry around (george serebryakov)
Makarov. carry over
math. lift
mil., arm.veh., USA tote
mining. cart (в тележке)
railw. cart
seism. cart (на телеге)
возиться v
gen. dawdle; fidget (о детях); finick; muck about (with; с кем-либо); niggle (с чем-либо); romp (о детях); puddle (в лужах, тж. puddle about, puddle in); muck around (с кем-либо); fumble (nicknicky777); tinker away at (с чем-либо); tinker away with (с чем-либо); fiddle around; bother with something (с чем-либо SergeyMischenko); putter around (как putter around ( или about) the garden – возиться в саду kozelski); carry; cart; convey; transport; frisk; muddle (без толку); trifle; bustle about (Andrey Truhachev); snail (с чем-либо); mess about (с чем-л.); mess around; linger (с – over, upon); draw; pull; take; frig; racket; drive; shuffle (шумно 4uzhoj); tinker; fuss around (с ерундой, с рутиной Ремедиос_П); scamble; struggle; toss; toss about; play; frolic
Gruzovik scamper about; play noisily; busy oneself with; spend time on; take trouble over; be conveyed (impf indet of везтись); be carted (impf indet of везтись); be driven (impf indet of везтись); be taken (impf indet of везтись); be transported (impf indet of везтись); be carried (impf indet of везтись); be drawn (impf indet of везтись); be pulled (impf indet of везтись); potter about
amer. have a lot of busywork to do (Maggie); tinker (Maggie); be busy with (something Maggie); put in a lot of work and care (Maggie); putter ([as in around the house] Maggie); fiddle with (с чем-либо; I've been fiddling with this thing all day, and it still doesn't work. Val_Ships)
amer., inf. muss
book. belabour (с чем-либо)
brit. pfaff around (Баян); mess about (with; с машиной и т.п. Anglophile)
explan. fuck
Gruzovik, inf. tinker with; potter; work carefully upon; take pains with (с кем-чем)
inf. horse around; fiddle about (e.g. We passed away the whole afternoon fiddling about with the computer but couldn't get it to work. Zukrynka); potter around (Andrey Truhachev); drag; flog; pass (over); run (over); mess about with (не напрягаясь ailene); meddle with (с Andrey Truhachev); to dilly-dally (Andrey Truhachev); yuk it up (VLZ_58); beat; slave away at something (с чем-либо Andrey Truhachev); slave away at something (с чем-либо Andrey Truhachev); putter (about); fiddle (with с + instr., with); tinker (with); dawdle (син. "ковыряться", "мешкать", "медлить": Hurry up, what are you dawdling on? – Поживее, чего ты там возишься? Soulbringer)
law tear
Makarov. muddle; puddle (в лужах); puddle about (в лужах); puddle in (в лужах); fuck about with; be long doing something (с чем-либо); bother with (о причиняющем хлопоты, затруднения); be long about something (с чем-либо); have bother with (о причиняющем хлопоты, затруднения); have trouble (with; о причиняющем хлопоты, затруднения); linger over; linger up; mud along; mud through; muddle along; muddle through; ramp about (о детях); ramp around (о детях); romp about (о детях, животных); spend much time (over; заниматься); trifle over; trifle with
Makarov., inf. fiddle about (with)
Makarov., inf., amer. dick around
obs. fidge (о детях)
slang horse about
vulg., mean.2 fuck around (with – с чем-либо особ. без особого успеха)
возимый prtc.
mil. vehicle-carried; vehicle-portable (dimock); vehicle-mounted (qwarty)
mil., artil. portee (Glossary of Soviet military terminology (U.S. Dept. of the Army, 1955) 4uzhoj)
mining. semimobile (Sergey Old Soldier)
возиться c v
rude fuck with (чем-либо)
: 261 phrases in 30 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles4
British usage, not spelling1
Explanatory translation1
Firefighting and fire-control systems2
Old-fashioned or obsolescent1
Teenager slang2
Uncommon / rare2
Weapons and gunsmithing1