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водосточная трубаstresses
gen. waterspout; rainwater pipe (British) another name for downpipe. Collins – АД); rainwater downpipe (Nazim Kasimov); gutter; leader; spout; rain-pipe; watershoot; dale; rainwater pipe (British) another name for downpipe. Collins Alexander Demidov); drain; shore; spout of a gutter
bridg.constr. downpipe; rainwater pipe
construct. storm water pipe; conduit; weeper; spout pipe; building storm drain; discharger; down pipe; down-spout; rain-water leader; rain-water pipe; stack; rain water pipe; rainwater leader; scupper; conductor (внутри здания); conduit tube
construct., amer. rain leader
ecol. storm downpipe; down spout; water spout; gullet
el. adjutage
fire. tall pipe
nautic. sewer
obs. sewster
pipes. sewer pipe
publ.util. down-off spout; storm down-pipe
tech. downpipe (British & New Zealand) a pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof gutter to the ground or to a drain Also called: rainwater pipe, drainpipe Usual US and Canadian name: downspout. Collins Alexander Demidov); leader pipe; storm-down pipe; conductor; drainage pipe; downcomer; downtake pipe; drain pipe; fall pipe; downspout; discharge pipe; downtake tube; drainpipe; rain pipe; rainspout (Александр Рыжов)
водосточная труба
: 70 phrases in 9 subjects
Energy industry1
Public utilities1