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вовсе нетstresses
gen. not a bit; not on your life; no such thing (Anglophile); not a bit of it; nothing of the sort; far from it (VLZ_58); not in the least bit (VLZ_58); nowise; that's not it (suburbian)
Gruzovik not in the least
Gruzovik, inf. nothing of the sort
inf. not for taffy; not a mite; not for toffy
Makarov. not all all
math. not at all
relig., lat. Nullatenus ("nowise", сокр. Nultus.)
slang in a pig's eye; in the pig's eye
вовсе нет!
gen. Rather!; not at all!
вовсе нет
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects