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вмешиваться не в своё делоstresses
gen. come between the bark and the tree; interfere in one's affairs; put one's finger into sb. else's pie; stick one's nose in other people's affairs; stick one's nose into sb's business; meddle in other people's business; interfere in other people's affairs; dabble
fig. tread on sb's toes (englishenthusiast1408)
inf. butt in (I hope you won't think I'm butting in, but when your baby's crying for hours, something's not right. ART Vancouver)
slang, amer. kibitz
vulg. piddle about
вмешивающийся не в свои дела
gen. meddlesome; officious; meddling; prying (Taras); snoopy; dabbler
вмешиваться не в свои дела
gen. stick one's tuppence; meddle in affairs; engage in matters beyond one's immediate purview (Alex_Odeychuk)
Игорь Миг meddle
jarg. have the oar in everyone's boat
вмешивающийся не в своё дело
gen. officious
вмешиваться не в своё дело
: 14 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1