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взять под свой контрольstresses
gen. take over (контекстуальный перевод When you allow a team to take over the game, they get the energy and now you're chasing... VLZ_58); take control of (he had asked the Interior Ministry and prosecutor's office to take control of the case. VLZ_58); take charge (The FBI is taking charge in the criminal investigation of the explosions at the Boston Marathon. The FBI took charge of the investigation into the bombings, serving a warrant late Monday on a home in suburban Boston and appealing for ... VLZ_58); take under control
Игорь Миг secure
Makarov. get the bit between one's teeth
взять что-либо под свой контроль
slang get on top of something
взять под свой контроль
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects