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взятый на вооружение
 взятый на вооружение
econ. employed; used
 взять на вооружение
gen. take on board; incorporate; embrace; qualify; add to armoury
fig. co-opt
inf. take home
| опыт
gen. experiment

to phrases
взять на вооружениеstresses
gen. take on board (Clepa); incorporate (You could benefit from incorporating a few inclusive practices to help make the best possible decisions when it comes to selecting talent. SirReal); qualify (а. англо-русский словарь трудностей научно-технической лексики Dominator_Salvator); add something to one's armoury (Anglophile)
Игорь Миг embrace
fig. co-opt (Баян); espouse (adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life) (Oxford Dictionary): One of several fourplex units designed in the energetic modernism espoused by local architects during the postwar years, this block shows the influence through horizontal massing and overhung eaves of the Frank Lloyd Wright prairie style. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward) ART Vancouver)
inf. take home (what should I take home from all this – что именно из (всего) этого мне взять на вооружение Damirules)
Makarov. use to good advantage; take advantage
взятый на вооружение
econ. employed (напр., метод); used (напр., метод)
взятый на вооружение: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Bookish / literary1