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вздор nstresses
gen. blether; bunk; bosh; bull; flummery; fudge; humbug; moonshine; mush; rubbish; slosh; slush (сентиментальный); wind; my rot; penny gaff; all my eye; all my eye and Betty Martin; crud; fiddle-de-dee; fiddle-faddle; flimflam; hog-wash; jiggery-pokery; skimble-skamble; eye-wash; flam; porridge; shit; spinach; toy; waffle; rot; fiddle-faddles; fiddlededee; bletherskate (Anglophile); extravagance (Aly19); trifle (Notburga); flapdoodle (Халеев); absurdness (AlexP73); diddle daddle; fiddle de dee; fiddle faddle; jiggery pokery; skimble skamble; ruck; twaddle (plushkina); balderdash; trash; fiddlesticks; fiddlestick; bullshit (Stormy); utter rubbish (Irina Verbitskaya); nonsense (часто как восклицание); baloney; blather (talk with no real substance Val_Ships); the bollocks (suburbian); bombast; a cock and bull story; chimera; driveling; drivelling; fiddle; frivolity; idle talk; idle tricks; nugacity; nutshell; rant; idle story; idle tales; whimwham; absurd (dragonsigh); bah (qqqbbb); blethering (Alex_Odeychuk); blither; extravagancy; haver
Игорь Миг utter nonsense; falsehood; mumbo jumbo; nothing burger; load of nonsense; shizit
adv. flim-flam
amer. pop (poppycock); poppycock; buncombe; bunkum; bushwha (Anglophile); booshwah (Anglophile)
amer., slang bushwa; bushwah
austral., slang bulldust; cowyard confetti; muck
cinema hogwash
cockney cobblers
fig. fiddle stick
inf. rigmarole; blah; junk; skittle; piffle; tommy rot; boshes; diddle-daddle; tommyrot; claptrap; jabber (Aly19); gaff; non sequitur (a statement containing an illogical conclusion Val_Ships); truck; eyewash (MichaelBurov); madness (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., low hooey (that's a lot of hooey; he is full of hooey); hooey (that's a lot of hooey; he is full of hooey)
invect. crap; hocky; hookey; hooky; shit for the birds
Makarov. froth; nonsense (часто как восклицание)
mil., lingo bilge (MichaelBurov)
obs. alogy; bombastry; bumbard; bumbast
psychol. absurdity
slang boloney; kibosh; rats; tosh; tripe; codswallop; banana oil; apple sauce; ballyhoo; baloney; hokum; holly-golly; hully-gully; phedinkus; song and dance; guff; bazoo; rhubarb (Svetlana D); crock (Taras); poppywash (bullshit, old english slang for expressing anger Kovrigin)
vulg. poo
vulg., brit. bollocks
Игорь Миг, inf. crapola
вздор! n
gen. fiddle-de-dee; fiddle-faddle; bosh; fiddle; rats; rot; skittles!; pooh; fiddlesticks; nonsense!; that's bullshit! (Andrey Truhachev)
amer. shucks
Makarov. stuff; stuff and nonsense!; all my eye (and Betty Martin)
nonstand. tosh
rude shit
slang fudge; vanilla
uncom. gammon
"Вздор!" n
nautic. tell it to the horse-marines!; tell it to the marines!; tell that to the horse-marines!; tell that to the marines!
Вздор! n
gen. Broomstales and fiddlesticks! (Tolkien's explanation in 'Farmer Giles of Ham': 'Nonsense. A "stale" is a straight handle, thus "broomstale" – broomstick.' VicTur)
: 219 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Cockney rhyming slang1
Contextual meaning1
Figure of speech1