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вести войну
 ведущий войну
gen. belligerent
obs. belligerous
 ведётся война
gen. there's a war being waged
 вести войну
gen. fight; be on the war-path
law prosecute war
Makarov. be on the warpath; fight war
mil. fight a conflict
mil., lingo warray
| против
gen. against

to phrases
вести войнуstresses
gen. fight; be on the war-path; make war; gun; make the campaign; wage war on; wage war on (воевать, с кем-либо); wage war (on/against/with, тж. и без предлога: Warpower is the capacity of a nation or other institution to wage war.); be at war; make war upon (smb., smth., с кем-л., чем-л.)
book. war
law prosecute war; engage in war; levy war; run a war
Makarov. be on the warpath; fight war; conduct war; go on the warpath; pursue war; run war; wage warfare
mil. fight a conflict; make a war; pursue a war; fight a war; prosecute pursue a war; wage war; wage a war (on someone/something – c кем-либо/чем-либо, against someone/something – против кого-либо/чего-либо, for something – за что-либо); carry on a war (Andrey Truhachev); fight a war (with ... – с ...); wage a war; prosecute a war
mil., lingo warray (Vishera)
nautic. warfare
polit. perpetrate warfare (He views the Chinese-owned app TikTok as a tool of propaganda and "an instrument of warfare" that warps the viewpoints of the younger generations, as well as mines their personal data. Further, he cited the fentanyl crisis as a form of "chemical warfare" perpetrated by China. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
ведущий войну
gen. belligerent
obs. belligerous
ведётся война
gen. there's a war being waged (против – on: In the first half, he presented his contention that there's a war being waged on Christianity and that progressives seek to stifle their opponents and quash religious liberty. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
вести войны
Игорь Миг be at war
вести войну: 46 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Public relations1