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to phrases
вести агитациюstresses
gen. agitate (чего-либо)
Gruzovik, polit. campaign
Makarov. be on the stump; go on the stump; take the stump; carry on agitation for something (за что-либо)
polit. canvass (за кандидата на выборах (в т.ч. за себя)): Candidates from all three parties were out canvassing in Darlington today.)
ведя агитацию
gen. on the stump (On the stump, Clinton’s criticisms of Wall Street can sound as radical as Bernie Sanders’s or Senator Elizabeth Warren’s. Yet Clinton’s repeated dealings with Goldman Sachs and its top executives since the financial crisis–including the 2013 speeches and more recent events involving the Clinton Foundation–run counter to such claims. SirReal)
вести агитацию
: 10 phrases in 2 subjects