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gen. joy; rollick; tittup; make merry; daff; lark
| во время
 во время
gen. as part of
| карнавала
gen. carnival

verb | verb | to phrases
веселиться vstresses
gen. joy; rollick; tittup; make merry (old-fashioned to enjoy yourself by drinking, singing, laughing etc); daff; lark; kick up one's heels; go on the spree; hold festival; keep festival; make festival; make good cheer; merry-make; kick off the fun (Simonoffs); hot it up; push the boat out; party (ART Vancouver); fun (Tink); merry make; laverock; revel; recreate (ssn); dedicate time to pleasure; enjoy oneself; take joy; have good time; game; jolly; junket; enjoy; be merr (This is definitely the season to be merry. VLZ_58); sport; celebrate; be merry (VLZ_58); rejoice; frolic; have a good time (4uzhoj); cheer; coltish; divert one's self; enjoy one's self; glad; gladden; mantle; be merry; play; wanton
Gruzovik have fun (impf of повеселиться); amuse oneself (impf of повеселиться)
Игорь Миг get funky
arch. frolick (Taras)
austral., slang lashing out; whoop things up
brit. loon about (suburbian)
Gruzovik, comp. be happy with (impf of повеселиться)
Gruzovik, obs. rejoice in (impf of повеселиться)
idiom. enter into the spirit (VLZ_58); kick up heels (VLZ_58)
inf. jollify; lark about; lark around; live it up (Юрий Гомон); pleasure; whoop it up (VLZ_58); party up (VLZ_58); have the time of life (Andy)
Makarov. make holiday; amuse oneself; express glee; have fun; kick up one's heels
Makarov., inf. have a ball
Makarov., slang see the world
obs. maffick; rejoice (in); gaud; gawd; merrimake
slang frivol; have oneself a time; rave it up; see life; partay (Svetlana D); give it large (Юрий Гомон); have it large (Юрий Гомон); loop; rage; throw down (VLZ_58); go timber (NGGM)
веселить v
gen. brisk up; cheep; chirp; amuse; divert; chirk; gladden; tickle; joy; enliven; exhilarate; rejoice (ся); recreate (ssn); cheer (up)
Gruzovik cheer up (impf of повеселить, развеселить)
inf. jollify
Makarov. cheer up; regale with (шутками, разговорами)
obs. cherup; glad; jubilate
веселящийся prtc.
gen. sporty
веселитесь! v
gen. enjoy yourself!
веселись v
gen. amuse thyself
"веселиться" v
Makarov. go on the spree
: 73 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Obsolete / dated2