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век живи – век учисьstresses
gen. live and learn; every day is a lesson (mykhailo); Everyday is a school day (ArcticFox)
saying. one lives and learns (Oleg Sollogub); you live and learn; you are never late to learn; it is never too late to learn; you are never too old to learn; you never stop learning (Andrey Truhachev); each one teach one (приблиз. Баян); you live and learn (said when you ​hear something that is ​surprising, as in "I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn." Val_Ships); each one teach one (Баян); live long enough — and everyone makes mistakes (KiriX)
век живи, век учись
gen. it is never too late to learn (It's Latin. Opposite of "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks." mahavishnu); one lives and learns
proverb it is never too late to mend
saying. live long enough — and everyone makes mistakes (KiriX)
век живи - век учись
gen. art is long, life is short; live and learn
век живи, век учись!
idiom. everyday is a schoolday! (Вариант перевода. Контекст!: How many times do you use the phrase 'Everyday is a school day' when you learn something, you never knew before? amazon.com Alexander Oshis)
век живи – век учись!
proverb live and learn!
век живи-век учись
brit. you live and learn (said when you ​hear something that is ​surprising: I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn. Val_Ships)
proverb live and learn (дословно: Живи и учись)
век живи, век учись
: 1 phrase in 1 subject