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бюллетень для голосованияstresses
gen. ballot paper (plural: ballot papers – for voting at general meetings, etc. Alexander Demidov); form for voting by correspondence (Alexander Demidov); proxy card (на собрании и т.п. Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, your vote on the matters to be acted upon at the meeting is important to us. We hope that you will vote by telephone or via the internet by following the instructions on your Notice. Alternatively, if you have requested written proxy materials, you may vote by signing, dating and returning your proxy card. If you are a holder of record and you sign and return your proxy card without specifying your choices, it will be understood that you wish to vote in accordance with the Board of Directors' recommendations as set out in the Proxy Statement. Alexander Demidov); proxy form for voting (на собрании и т.п.: Like, I imagine, most private shareholders I routinely received interim and annual reports and proxy forms for voting at AGMs. ... anyone with mobility problems get up the stairs and assure everyone that they will be sending proxy forms for voting for those who can't make ... I notice proxy forms for voting have to be in by this Wednesday. ... TSB Share Dealing is effectively the shareholder on your behalf and we therefore do not send out, or accept receipt of, proxy forms for voting. UK Alexander Demidov); voting form (Ealing Council download – Postal and Proxy voting forms | Voting Forms for Committee candidates for 2013. Members may vote for their FOUR candidates of choice ONLY. Failure to do so will invalidate their vote. Alexander Demidov)
econ. ballot
law voting bulletin; voting ballot (Berta)
бюллетень для голосования
: 28 phrases in 8 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1