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быть не в ладах с
 быть не в ладах с
gen. be out with; be at variance with
inf. have no notion of
Makarov. be at odds with; be at loggerheads with; be at variance with
 быть не в ладу с
inf. have no notion of
| арифметикой
gen. arithmetic; sums; figures

to phrases
быть не в ладах сstresses
gen. be out with (someone – кем-либо); be at variance with (кем-л.)
inf. have no notion of (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. be at odds with; be at loggerheads with (someone – кем-либо); be at variance with
быть не в ладу с
inf. have no notion of (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. be out of tune with (someone – кем-либо)
быть не в ладах с: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1