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gen. be on your guard (Supernova); be on notice (bumble_bee)
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gen. be trouble!
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inf. look sharp (VLZ_58)
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gen. watch; have one's wits about one; prick up ears; be all there; have one's wits about one; keep eyes skinned; know the time of day; look out for squalls; bright to keep a bright lookout; be there; keep one's ears open (Anglophile); be on one's toes (Anglophile); be on the watch (deep in thought); keep watch; stay sharp (dharlequin); stay alert (Александр_10); have one's ears about one; have one's eyes about one; have all eyes about one; be on the alert (for Tion); be on one's guard; be vigilant (Mutabor); keep one's head on a swivel (Alex Lilo); be alert (Ambassadorik); watch out for (VLZ_58); keep one's guard up (joyand); stay focused (Johnny Bravo); be there; keep one's eyes peeled for (keep your eyes peeled for the police Рина Грант); beware (Olya34); keep an eye out for...
Gruzovik be on one's guard
Игорь Миг look over one's shoulder
amer. keep eyes on the ball
cliche. be on the lookout (for sb., sth.: Officers are on the lookout for drunk drivers 24/7. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, sec.sys. be on guard against someone or something (быть начеку́)
idiom. stay on one's toes (Featus); keep an eye open for (someone z484z); stay on alert (Artemie); have one's wits about oneself (Yeldar Azanbayev); keep one's eye on the ball (Азери); keep on one's toes (Please remember that we have no idea if this guy with the explosives will be watching us, so keep on your toes and be prepared for anything. 4uzhoj); be on one's toes; keep nose to the ground (Himera)
inf. look out for the squalls (rompey); look out (Johnny Bravo); stay frosty (adamchic); keep an eye out
Makarov. keep a bright lookout; prick up one's ears; be alive to the danger; have one's eyes on the ball; keep alert; keep both eyes open; keep both eyes peeled; keep both eyes skinned; keep both eyes wide open; keep one's ears open; keep one's eyes open; keep one's eyes peeled; keep one's eyes wide open; keep one's powder dry; be upon the watch; be on guard; be all there; keep one's wits about one; keep one's head on a swivel; have one's wits about one; keep one's wits about one
Makarov., idiom. keep one's eye on the ball
nautic. be on the look-out
proverb keep a weather eye open (Anglophile)
shipb. be careful (scherfas)
slang get the lead out; keep an eye out
tech. watch out
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gen. nix
Игорь Миг stay safe
fig. check your six (происходит из военного жаргона; букв. "не забывай смотреть, что у тебя на шесть часов (т.е. сзади)" 4uzhoj)
inf. watch your six (проникло в разговорный язык из военного жаргона; "six" – шестичасовая отметка на воображаемом циферблате, т. е. тыл Pickman); stay sharp (ashfeathers1)
proverb keep your powder dry
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gen. be wary!; keep your eyes open (Aspect)
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: 12 phrases in 2 subjects