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бродить vstresses
gen. wander; roam; rove; divagate; range; stray; stroll; moon; maunder about; maunder along; ambulate; excurse; extravagate; walk around; drag; hike; peregrinate; spook (о призраке); track; traffic; yeast; perambulate; ramble (без цели); be on the rove; wander about (без цели); flail; voyage (о мыслях и т.п.); stalk (ivp); tramp; walk (о духах, призраках Юрий Гомон); swerve; roaming around (Andriyko); fermenting; prowl; gallivant; work (о напитках); prowl about (в поисках добычи); knock about; stumble around (I stumbled around a while then finally located the car vogeler); ramble (без определенной цели); be on the rove; wander through (suburbian); get out and about (Ann_tofelyuk); effervesce (о напитке); estray; flower; fret; fretting; fry; go up and down; hover; jaunt; pilgrim; ramage; saunter; straggle; walk (в лунатизме); roam about (по ...; без определённой цели: Out-of-body experiences are a commonly reported effect of NDEs, such as roaming about in the hospital when undergoing surgery, or near the crash site of an accident. (coasttocoastam.com) • The beast was in particular said to roam about an old abandoned mine reclamation site in the vicinity, and these sightings would continue on until as recently as 2010. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver); pound (karakula)
Gruzovik drag oneself along (См. брести); plod (См. брести); trudge (См. брести); traipse (См. брести); dawdle (См. брести)
agric. roam (о животном)
amer., inf. mosey
arch., poetic expatiate
biotechn. ferment
book. spatiate
comp. wander (in Internet)
dial. drag for fish; fish with a dragnet
ed. roam around
Gruzovik, dial. drag for fish; fish with a dragnet
Gruzovik, fig. get excited (impf of выбродить); be agitated (impf of выбродить)
Gruzovik, inet. cruise; surf
Gruzovik, winemak. ferment (impf of выбродить)
inet. navigate (Technical)
inf. lollop; moon about; moon along; moon around; hang around (в смысле "ходить" TarasZ); walk about (Andrey Truhachev); run around (Andrey Truhachev); toddle; knock around; run about (Andrey Truhachev); mope (VLZ_58); pad the hoof; obambulate (без цели shrewd)
Makarov. fret (о напитках); track about; track around; track up; traffic along; drag about; drag around; gallivant about; gallivant around; gallivant off; hang about; hang around; hang round; prowl about; ramble (без определённой цели); work (о напитках); prowl around; prowl round; range over; range through; straggle about; tramp across; tramp along; tramp down; tramp through; tramp up; wander about; wander around
Makarov., inf., engl. stooge about; stooge around
obs. dispace; jant; peragrate; proll; santer; space; strowl; transcur
polym. sour
Scotl. stravage (Nrml Kss)
slang hit the bricks; hit the sidewalks; rat; galumph (around Interex)
uncom. squander
winemak. barm
бродящий prtc.
gen. yeasty; fretful (о напитках); fretty (о напитках); ambulatory; devious; estray; rambling; roving; stray; strolling; wandering; yesty
fish.farm. fermenting (dimock)
obs. discursive; omnivagant
бродило v
gen. leaven
agric. yeast
chem. ferment
Gruzovik, chem. leaven
бродя v
gen. aprowl; gaddingly
: 251 phrases in 25 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Meat processing1
Modern use1
Obsolete / dated2
Oil / petroleum1
Quotes and aphorisms1