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Gruzovik, mus. bayan (a kind of accordion)
hist. boyan or bayan (The name of a bard who was mentioned in the Rus' epic The Lay of Igor's Campaign as being active at the court of Yaroslav the Wise. He is apostrophized as Veles's grandson in the opening lines of The Lay (probably a reference to Veles as the patron of musicians). Historians have been unable to determine whether Boyan was his proper name (as Nikolai Karamzin and Fyodor Buslayev postulated) or all skalds of Rus were called boyans (Alexander Vostokov). Victorian)
slang baloney (эрратив sergeidorogan)
 Russian thesaurus
gen. археологическая культура эпохи неолита 4-е тыс. до н. э., на территории Румынии, Болгарии и Молдавии. Название по оз. Боян Румыния. Остатки поселений, орнаментированная керамика. Хозяйство: земледелие, скотоводство, охота, рыболовство. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects