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благоволящий prtc.stresses
relig. benevolent
благоволить v
gen. wish well; be kind; deign (impf of соблаговолить); favor; favour; discriminate in favour of (к кому-либо); condescend (Anglophile); be favourably; be kindly disposed (towards: He had always been kindly disposed towards his stepdaughter. ); regard with favour; be well disposed (кому-либо; towards Andrey Truhachev); like (with к); be favorably disposed (toward)
Gruzovik be favorably disposed toward; regard with favor; be favorably disposed toward (к кому-чему); be kindly disposed toward (к кому-чему); be well-disposed to/towards (к кому-чему)
Игорь Миг tilt toward
Gruzovik, obs. be pleased to
idiom. in the tank (VadZ)
Makarov. be favourably disposed (towards; к; покровительствовать); favour with; have the kindness + to inf. (проявлять любезность); smile on; smile upon
obs. be so kind as to (with inf.)
rel., christ. be benevolent; bless (Борис Горелик); be benevolent (to/towards sb or something Борис Горелик)
благоволите v
gen. have the kindness (to)
Gruzovik have the kindness to
благоволи v
Gruzovik have the kindness to
: 17 phrases in 5 subjects