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бжу vstresses
gen. Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats (Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats supply 90% of the dry weight of the diet and 100% of its energy. All three provide energy (measured in calories), but the amount of energy in 1 gram (1/28 ounce) differs sarayli)
бдеть v
gen. be vigilant (It is necessary to be vigilant at all times. I. Havkin); keep up; wake
Gruzovik watch; attend to; lie awake (in expectation of something happening); observe closely; keep an observant eye on; attend to
Игорь Миг be on guard; err on the side of caution (несколько иронич.); be on one's toes; keep an observant eye
idiom. keep an eye open for (someone z484z)
obs. keep vigil (Anglophile); keep watch (Anglophile)
rel., christ. vigil; be vigilant (AlexandraM)
бдите v
lat. vigilate (MMouse)
 Russian thesaurus
БЖУ abbr.
abbr., diet. белки, жиры и углеводы (ВосьМой); белки-жиры-углеводы (ВосьМой)
бжу: 2 phrases in 1 subject