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verb | verb | to phrases
бесить vstresses
gen. drive someone crazy (It drives me crazy seeing all these people just staring at their phones all day long. 4uzhoj); bedevil; devil (кого-л.); enrage; tease; madden; give the needle (кого-либо); make one's blood boil (Anglophile); enfrenzy (igisheva); drive someone round the bend (кого-либо ksuh); burn someone's bacon (Ремедиос_П); provoke; infuriate; nettle (VLZ_58); exasperate (Maria Klavdieva); be infuriating (Abysslooker); drive someone up a wall (Medical school is driving me up a wall. • My neighbor's constant complaining is driving me up a wall.); rile (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik enrage; drive wild (impf of взбесить)
Игорь Миг peeve; get a pet peeve with; set on edge; set nerves to edge; psyche out; yank one's chain; drive up
fig. tear to pieces; get furious (impf of взбесится)
idiom. spike one's hackles (кого-либо Abysslooker); bug hell (обыкн. out of somebody Vadim Rouminsky); bug the hell (обыкн. out of somebody Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. freak someone out (This song just freaks me out whenever I hear it. 4uzhoj); make mad (напр., это меня жутко бесит SirReal); grate (on m_rakova); tick off (VLZ_58); gripe someone's balls (It gripes his balls the way that smart aleck walks around the place like he owns it. – Его бесит, как этот хам разгуливает по дому, будто это его собственность. VLZ_58)
inf., amer. burn
low piss someone off (What really pisses me off about my job is that I have to get up at six o'clock. • I'm still openly pissed the fuck off about that. • He never does any washing-up and it's starting to piss me off. Oxiplegatz)
Makarov. madden (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., inf., amer. burn up (кого-либо)
slang twist tits (NGGM); creams my corn (It just creams my corn! vogeler)
uncom. drive someone batty (What drives me batty is when people say "I took the frozen steak out of the freezer to dethaw it." 4uzhoj)
беситься v
gen. madden; rage; romp; blow wig; have the heebie-jeebies; have the jeebies; run amuck (Anglophile); run amok (Anglophile); seethe (He was seething with jealousy. VLZ_58); run wild (tiolian); mad; become enraged; become rabid (of animals)
Gruzovik get hydrophobia; get rabies; be wild; behave boisterously; romp about
amer. be mad (SirReal)
animat. get a hair up someone's ass about something (из-за чего-либо; Kyle's mom gets a hair up her ass about something and I always end up getting screwed by it! South_Park)
emph. be fuming (Your playlist plays and I’m fuming again. — Играет твой плейлист и я снова бешусь.)
fig.of.sp. froth at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev); foam at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, fig. get furious (impf of взбеситься); be frantic (impf of взбеситься); be furious (impf of взбеситься)
Gruzovik, zool. go mad (impf of взбеситься); become rabid (impf of взбеситься)
idiom. throw temper tantrums (VLZ_58)
inf. go wild (Yeldar Azanbayev); wild out (GInnoImoto)
Makarov. be maddened; become rabid; rage against; rage at; carry on
Makarov., slang do nut (от злости нетерпения и т. п.); do nuts (от злости нетерпения и т. п.)
slang horse around; flip; do nuts (от злости, нетерпения и т. п.); horse about; have a cow (zoologist); do nut (от злости, нетерпения и т. п.); do nut (от злости, нетерпения)
slang, Makarov. do one's nuts (от злости, нетерпения и т.п.)
"беситься" v
gen. horse around
 Russian thesaurus
бесил. abbr.
abbr. бесплатный
: 60 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling1