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бережное отношениеstresses
gen. solicitous attitude to (raf); attitude of care (к = towards ABelonogov); husbandry (1. The raising of livestock and the cultivation of crops; agriculture 2. The prudent management or conservation of resources. WT. a. • the judicious use of resources • conservation, thrift: this careful husbandry of his remaining powers – W.V.T.Clark borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry – Shakespeare b. • the control or use of resources • management: problems of soil conservation and husbandry of water resources – British Book News. WTNI Alexander Demidov); caring attitude (triumfov); care (к = for ABelonogov)
бережное заботливое отношение
gen. protectiveness (к кому-либо sea holly)
бережное отношение
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects
Meat processing1