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gen. lounge (lounge away one's life (time) – праздно проводить жизнь (время)); dawdle; twiddle; drone; maroon; sit; fribble; mike; lounge about (lounge away one's life; time; the commentary 'lounge away one's life; time' does not contain 'lounge about' and, consequently, is to be deleted TarasZ); while away; daddle; frowst; dally; hang about; potter; snooze; put one's feet up; have a good slack; have a loaf; have a mike; moulder; keep hands in pockets; loiter away time; snooze time away; twiddle thumbs; twirl thumbs; fiddle-faddle (Anglophile); laze away the time (Anglophile); veg out (Озерова Ольга); moodle (Napoleon often moodled about for a week at a time doing nothing but play with his children or read trash or waste his time helplessly Harding); fiddle; loaves; idle time; laze away; squander time; dawdle away; fiddle about; fluff off; doss about (Eagle39); dillydally (Parasite); have easy time; be at a loose ends (Дмитрий_Р); linger; mess about; loiter away one's time; loiter; mong out (КГА); play hooky (I'm so lazy. I would rather voluntarily inhale some chloroform and pass out just to receive an opportunity to play hooky Taras); fettle; play the knave; rogue; do nothing; poke; trifle; loaf around (finita); put feet up (Ivan1992); fanny about (Антонэл); lounge around (TarasZ); lazy (reference.com VLZ_58)
Gruzovik idle; loaf
Игорь Миг blow off
amer. fool around (to spend time aimlessly Val_Ships); jack off (Toughguy); play the hooky (Chicken1981); fooling around (to spend time aimlessly Val_Ships)
austral. bludge (VLZ_58)
austral., slang fart-arse about; play silly buggers; swing the lead
busin. idle time away
context. lie down (Bartek2001)
fig. pick one's nose (Half of my colleagues do nothing and just pick their noses most of the time and they're still earning the same as me – Половина моих коллег большую часть времени ничего не делают, и просто бездельничают, но получают столько же, сколько и я Taras)
Gruzovik, obs. cheat; swindle
idiom. find oneself at loose ends (Taras); sit idle (Andrey Truhachev); sit on one's heels (VLZ_58)
inf. laze; haze about; bum; laze about; laze around; veg (Yanick); twiddle one's thumbs; play grab ass (T); lollygag; lallygag; slack; mess around; knock around; swing the lead (MichaelBurov); diddle; shoe the goose (VLZ_58)
invect. screw around
low fart around (Quit farting around and start doing your work! )
Makarov. loll about doing nothing; not to do a day's-work; not to do a stitch of work; sit back; do mike; to dilly-dally; fool about; fool around; have mike; idle about; idle around; idle one's time away; loaf about; loll away one's time; lounge about; lounge along; ponce about; ponce around; potter about; be idle; slumber away
Makarov., inf. fiddle around; hang around; hang round; slob about; slob around
Makarov., rude bugger around
Makarov., rude, amer. ass around
Makarov., rude, engl. arse about; arse around
Makarov., rude, slang bugger about
Makarov., slang, amer. play hookey
mil., lingo bale out (MichaelBurov); bail out (MichaelBurov); do sweet Fanny Adams (MichaelBurov)
obs. droil; cheat; swindle
rude sit around with one's finger up one's ass (Arky); sit around with one's thumb up one's ass (Arky)
scottish jauk
slang do a mike; bat around; beef; bum around; deadbeat; dilly-dally; featherbed; float; gold brick; goof off; jack around; jelly; rat; rat fuck; screw off screw-off; stooge around; hack around; twiddle one's thumbs; rat around (Interex); dead-beat; lollygagging (HolgaISQ); jchillin (MichaelBurov); blow off (You blow off too much. VLZ_58)
vulg. ass about; bum about; fart about; fart off; fartass about; fat-ass around; fuck off; fuck the dog; futy; futz about; go on the bum (см. bum); hell around; jerk; muck around; not give somebody the sweat of one's balls; piddle about; piddle; piss about; piss-ant about; piss-ass about; prick about; screw about; screw off; shit-ass about; silly-ass about; sit scratching one's ballocks; sod about; tit about; putz about
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vulg. kaycuff foe
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vulg. with the thumb up one's ass
: 36 phrases in 5 subjects