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багажная квитанцияstresses
gen. baggage-check; baggage claim check (sea holly); check; baggage claim check
Gruzovik luggage check
account. excess baggage ticket (при сдаче любой сумки в багаж на внутренних перелетах в США и некоторых других странах snowleopard)
amer. baggage check
econ. baggage ticker; luggage slip; luggage voucher
econ., amer. baggage voucher
law luggage ticket; luggage receipt
tech. baggage receipt; baggage ticket
trav. luggage stub (When you checked in, the airline agent would have given you a luggage stub for every checked bag. Give these stubs to the luggage attendant, who should hopefully be able to track down the bag. (Fox News) ART Vancouver)
багажная квитанция
: 1 phrase in 1 subject