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аниматоры nstresses
trav. event staff (ssn)
аниматор n
gen. facilitator (Pavel); animator (a person who provides entertainment and organizes activities such as sports at a holiday centre or tourist attraction. from French animateur, used in this sense. NOED Alexander Demidov); activities organizer (специалист, в чьи профессиональные обязанности входит организация досуга отдыхающих maystay); play assistant (doc090); tourist entertainer (Bullfinch); holiday rep (Littlefuchs); animateur (An animateur is a musical professional whose role is to engage audiences with a new or unfamiliar form of music, "bringing it to life" beyond what might be expected in a traditional performance. The role of animateur developed from the French concept of "animation socio-culturelle" and first became established in the 1980s as musical outreach activities were being formalised in the UK. Because the role has roots in the United Kingdom, they are most common in the English-speaking world. WK. someone whose job is to organize cultural projects or social events and get people interested in them. www​.macmillandictionary​.com​/dictionary​/british​/animateur Alexander Demidov)
cinema cartoonist
el. animator
hotels entertainer (наиболее подходящий общий термин AlexanderKayumov); entertainment officer (официальное название должности AlexanderKayumov); holiday representative (AlexanderKayumov); holiday host (AlexanderKayumov); social director (должность в гостиницах AlexanderKayumov); entertainment representative (AlexanderKayumov); activities manager (VLZ_58)
 Russian thesaurus
аниматор n
gen. кинематографист, работающий в мультипликационном кино. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects