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Южный коридорstresses
gen. Southern Corridor (Also the Trans Adriatic Pipeline is identified as a Southern Corridor project. Together, the Southern Corridor projects could provide the necessary transportation ... WK Alexander Demidov); Southern Gas Corridor (The Southern Gas Corridor is an initiative of the European Commission for the gas supply from Caspian and Middle Eastern regions to Europe. The initiative was proposed in the European Commission's Communication "Second Strategic Energy Review – An EU Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan" (COM/2008/781). The European Union has identified a number of partner countries for this initiative, such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Egypt and Mashreq countries. Uzbekistan and Iran should represent, when political conditions permit, a further significant supply source for the EU. WK Alexander Demidov)
Южный Коридор
EU. Southern Corridor (Cranberry)
Южный коридор
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil and gas1