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Чаще всего
 чаще всего
gen. more often than not; as often as not; most of all; the most frequently; typically; largely
amer. oftentimes
inf. more times than not
| стереотипные элементы модели
 стереотипный элемент модели
progr. stereotyped model element
| это
gen. this is
| класс
gen. class
| и
gen. and
| классификатор
gen. classifier

to phrases
чаще всегоstresses
gen. more often than not; as often as not (raf); most of all (bookworm); the most frequently (ssn); typically (Min$draV); largely; most times (Vadim Rouminsky); in most cases (Soulbringer); most typically (olga garkovik); at most; most of the time (DC); customarily; prevalently (spanishru); mostly
Игорь Миг by and large
amer. oftentimes (children oftentimes don't realize how quickly time passes Val_Ships)
gram. the most (Lower property taxes – the granddaddy of them all. Lower speed zones. New sidewalks. (...) That last one about sidewalks is something I've heard the most about from readers. I've spoken to dozens of residents just begging for the city to add sidewalks to their Burnaby streets because of concerns about safety. burnabynow.com ART Vancouver)
inf. more times than not (igisheva)
Makarov. most commonly (comment by ART Vancouver: correct, here's a great example of its usage:: He started by developing the Weird Coincidence Survey in 2006 to assess what types of coincidences are most commonly observed, what personality types are most correlated with noticing them and how most people explain them. latimes.com)
math. most often
чаще всего ...
R&D. the most common is (начало фразы MichaelBurov)
Чаще всего: 42 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Card games1
Explanatory translation1
Gold mining1
Mass media2
Teenager slang1
Wood processing2