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Целестин nstresses
names Celestin; Celestine
relig. Celestine (II) (Pope who was elected in December 1124 but resigned a few days later and is not counted in the official list of Popes; II)
Целестин III n
relig. Celestine HI (Pope from 1191 to 1198 whose pontificate was overshadowed by the spectacular successes of King Henry VI of Germany crowned as Holy Roman emperor who failed to restore the full extent of the Papal States to Celestine)
Целестин V n
relig. Celestine (Pope from July 5 to December 13,1294, the first pontiff to abdicate. He founded the Celestine order)
Целестин II n
relig. Celestine (Pope from 1143 to 1144. He died on the verge of a controversy with King Roger II of Sicily regarding Roger's prerogatives as apostolic legate)
Целестин IV n
relig. Celestine Pope from October 25 to November 10, 1241, who was the first Pope to be elected in a conclave, which had been set up by the senator of Rome, Matthew Rosso Orsini, who hoped to break a deadlock in the College of Cardinals
Целестин I n
relig. Celestine (Pope from 422 to 432. He approved the decision made at the Council of Ephesus in 431 to anathematize, depose, and banish Nestorius, which caused a schism that remained unresolved for more than a century)
целестин n
geol. colestine
met. celestine (сульфат стронци)
mineral. celestite; coelestine см. celestite (SrSO4)
 Russian thesaurus
целестин n
gen. минерал класса сульфатов, SrSO4. Светлоокрашенные таблитчатые кристаллы, зернистые или волокнистые агрегаты. Твёрдость 3-3,5; плотность ок. 4г/см3. По происхождению гипергенный в осадочных породах, реже гидротермальный. Главная руда стронция. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
целестин V n
gen. монашеское имя Петр ок. 1215-1296, итальянский монах-отшельник в Монте Морроне в Абруццах, основатель ордена целестинцев в 1254. В 1294 был избран папой Римским, но через 5 месяцев сложил с себя папский сан. Его преемник Бонифаций VIII заточил его в крепость Фумоне. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Obsolete / dated1