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Урбан II nstresses
names Urban II (1042? — 99, на престоле с 1088. В 1095 провозгласил 1-й крестовый поход)
relig. Urban (Head of the Roman Catholic church - 1088-99 - who developed ecclesiastical reforms begun by Pope Gregory VII, launched the Crusade movement, and strengthened the papacy as a political entity)
Урбан n
gen. Urban (мужское имя)
names Urban (имя 8 рим. пап)
Урбан IV n
relig. Urban (Pope from 1261 to 1264. His bull of 1264 had ordered the whole church to observe the Feast of Corpus Christi)
Урбан VII n
relig. Urban (Pope from September 15 to September 27, 1590. Known for his charity and piety, he was elected Pope but died 12 days later, before his consecration)
Урбан VIII n
relig. Urban (Pope from 1623 to 1644. In 1633 he declared China and Japan open again for missionaries; his bull In Eminenti condemned the doctrines of Jansenism, he approved new orders, among them the Visitandines and the Lazarists, and promulgated several canonizations, including those of Saints Elizabeth of Portugal, Francis Borgia, and John of God. He also issued revisions of the breviary, missal, and pontifical)
Урбан I n
relig. Urban (Pope from 222 to 230. His pontificate occurred within the reign of the Roman emperor Severus Alexander, a time of peace for the church)
Урбан III n
relig. Urban (Pope from 1185 to 1187. He inherited from Pope Lucius III an imperial diplomatic crisis that harassed his entire pontificate)
Урбан VI n
relig. Urban (Pope from 1378 to 1389 whose election sparked the Western Schism of 1378-1417)
Урбан V n
relig. Urban (Pope from 1362 to 1370, a man of austere life and great piety. As a patron of learning, he founded new universities at Orange, Krakyw, and Vienna)
 Russian thesaurus
Урбан II n
gen. Urban, ок. 1042-1099 римский папа с 1088 окончательно с 1094, когда он изгнал антипапу Климента III. В 1095 провозгласил 1-й крестовый поход. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 14 phrases in 10 subjects
Humorous / Jocular1