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Терпеть не могу
 терпеть не мочь
gen. loathe; can't stand; have no patience for; hate; can't stand the sight of
| большие залы
 большой зал
gen. great hall
construct. large dining room; great hall
el. hall
| толпа
gen. crowd
| давит на
 давить на
inf. fig. lean on
| меня
gen. myself

to phrases
терпеть не мочьstresses
gen. loathe (Лиана Ш.); can't stand (something/somebody: I can't stand him. – Терпеть его не могу. Alex_Odeychuk); have no patience for (I have no patience for a man that can't act like a man. I already have a pussy, I don't need another. VLZ_58); hate (I hate it when i'm singing a song and the artist gets the words wrong. VLZ_58); can't stand the sight of (Eleanor couldn't stand the sight of Jenny, and the feeling was mutual.)
Игорь Миг, context. despise (I despise lecturing; it-it unnerves me.)
Терпеть не могу
: 97 phrases in 6 subjects