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Счастливого пути!stresses
gen. wish you a safe trip (4uzhoj); have a good journey!; Safe travels! (Taras)
Счастливого пути
gen. Fare you well (Lyubov_Zubritskaya)
inf. Enjoy the journey (anyaserdyuk)
счастливого пути!
gen. have a safe journey! (Dianka); farewell; I wish you a good, pleasant journey!; Godspeed (Марчихин); a good voyage to you!; have a good trip!
Gruzovik bon voyage!; pleasant trip!; pleasant journey!
idiom. way to go! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
irish may the road rise before you
Makarov. good run!
счастливого пути
gen. have a good trip (ptyashka); bon voyage!; pleasant trip!; safe travels (NumiTorum)
amer. Happy trial (Chu)
inf. enjoy your journey (Andy); safe travel (Andy)
proverb a happy journey!; a happy landing!
счастливый путь
gen. pleasant journey (z484z)
Счастливого пути
: 21 phrases in 3 subjects