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progr. Break a butterfly on wheel (ssn)
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gen. break a fly on the wheel; use a steam-hammer to crack nuts; break a fly up the wheel; crush a fly up the wheel; use overkill
Gruzovik, inf. crush a nut with a steam hammer
idiom. break a butterfly upon the wheel (break upon the wheel – казнь посредством колесования Bobrovska)
Makarov. break a butterfly on the wheel; cut blocks with a razor; break a fly upon the wheel; crush a fly upon the wheel; use a steam hammer to crack nuts
Makarov., proverb cut blocks with a razor (букв.: тесать глыбы бритвой)
proverb use a steam-hammer to crack nuts (дословно: Пользоваться паровым молотом для щёлканья орехов); break a butterfly on wheel
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gen. take a sledgehammer to crack a walnut (Anglophile); use overkill
Gruzovik, proverb use a steam hammer to crack nuts
idiom. use a stem – hammer to crack nuts; crack a nut with a steam hammer (буквально: расколоть орех паровым молотом (то есть тратить огромную энергию на маленькое/пустяшное/ничтожное дело) Logofreak)
Makarov. break a butterfly on the wheel; break a fly on the wheel; break a fly upon the wheel; crush a fly upon the wheel; make two bites of a cherry
proverb crush a fly with a steam-roller (Olga Okuneva)
saying. use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
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